Harmony Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star
Barbara A. Lattimore
Grand Worthy Matron
Warren C. Jackson
Grand Worthy Patron
United Grand Commandery
Herbert Green
Right Eminent Grand Commander
Royal and Select Mason Cryptic Council of Missouri
Dr. Lee Hill
Grand Master of Cryptic Masons
Holy Royal Arch Masons
Dr. Lavert Morrow
Most Excellent Grand High Priest
AASR Southern Jurisdiction
Henry R. Willis, Sr., 33°
Deputy of the Orient
Jim Webster
Imperial Deputy of Desert
Order of Cyrenes
Sandra J. Tolliver
Most Royal Grand Commandress
Heroines of Jericho
Bobby J. Carter
Most Ancient Grand Matron
Order of Golden Circle
Mary Fitzpatrick
State Grand Loyal Lady Ruler
Daughters of the Desert
Imperial Deputy of Desert